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Howard Morton SRES SRES, Sales Representative
Sutton Group Realty Systems Inc., Brokerage
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Howard Morton SRES SRES, Sales Representative
Sutton Group Realty Systems Inc., Brokerage
Population (2021) 26,920
Check Out The Current Home Price Index (HPI)* Benchmark Price
Located in Niagara's South Coast on Lake Erie. Port Colborne-Wainfleet offers a wide variety of attractions such as festivals, live theatre, beaches, cycling, fishing and golfing.
- Historical and Marine Museum
- HH Knoll Lakeview Park
- Lock 8 Gateway Park/The Welland Canals Parkway Trail
- Long Beach Conservation Park
- Marshville Heritage Village
- Nickel Beach
- Port Colborne Promenade
- Sugarloaf Harbour Marina
- The Friendship Trail
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Homes for Sale in Port Colborne Wainfleet
Thinking of moving to Port Colborne or Wainfleet? Contact me today!
Port Colborne Homes for Sale, Wainfleet Homes for Sale, Port Colborne Real Estate, Wainfleet Real Estate, Niagara Region Real Estate
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